All About Josh

February 11, 2007

My SECOND Christmas

I can't remember my first Christmas. I was just born and too little. But my second Christmas was GREAT FUN! Here are some pictures of Christmas lunch. My Grandma Lloyd and Aunty Emma and Mum all helped to make a very yummy lunch. My Granny Barbara, Granma Barb, Grandpa Paul and Greatgrandma Pauline were all there - oh, and my mate Max the dog too. I got lots of kisses and hugs and presents.

February 07, 2007

My first birthday

I had my first birthday party in a park close to my home. It was a very nice day with lots of my favourite people there.

I got lots of presents and there was yummy food and I found the drinks too. That's me at the car fridge!

Can you see me with my Grandpa Paul and my Dad? I fell over once but Mum made it all better.

And my Grandma Lloyd and Aunty Lisa were there too. I had SUCH a good day!!!!!