All About Josh

March 18, 2006

Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad

My Mum and Dad have been married for one year on 19th March 2006. Wasn't I lucky to be here in time to celebrate their anniversary with them! Here are some pictures of when they got married! I was just a twinkle then. I love you Mum and Dad, and so does Max!

March 17, 2006

I've been a sickie

I’ve been a sickie! It started a few weeks ago when I couldn’t keep my food down. I was starting to LOSE weight so my mum and dad rushed me to the Royal Children’s Hospital. After five hours of tests, I was diagnosed with pyloric stenosis. The doctor told mum and dad that I had to have an operation to fix the problem! I couldn’t eat anything so I was on a drip. Mum stayed in hospital with me the whole 5 days – I don’t think she got much sleep. We were in a ward with 5 other little sickies and their mums. Dad was there too when he wasn't at work and other visitors came a lot to keep our spirits up. A couple of days after the operation, I was allowed to go home and now I am feeling much better. Here’s a picture of me back at home.